No. | Paper | Resource |
44 | Zhenping Zou, Rui Han, Chen Lu, Zilan Xiong. Detection of long‐lived species in plasma‐activated water, based on digital colorimetry. Plasma Process Polym. 2020; e2000139 | |
43 | Chen Lu, Jinchi Dai, Nianguo Dong, Yu Zhu, Zilan Xiong. Investigation of air plasma generated by surface microdischarge for decellularized porcine aortic valve leaflets modification: Plasma Process and Polymers, Vol. 17, Num. 9, Sep. 2020 | |
42 | Shasha Zhao, Rui Han, Yuan Li, Chen Lu, Xingyu Chen, Zilan Xiong,a), and Xiang Mao. Investigation of the mechanism of enhanced and directed differentiation of neural stem cells by an atmospheric plasma jet: A gene-level study. J. Appl. Phys. 125, 163301 (2019) | |
41 | Zilan Xiong, Shasha Zhao, Xu Yan. Nerve Stem Cell Differentiation by a One-step Cold Atmospheric Plasma Treatment In Vitro. J Vis Exp. 2019 Jan 11;(143) | |
40 | Xuekai Pei, Dogan Gidon, Yao-Jhen Yang, Zilan Xiong, David B. Graves. Reducing energy cost of NOx production in air plasmas. Chemical Engineering Journal 362 (2019) 217–228. | |
39 | Yeon-Ho Im, Zilan Xiong, Daniel T Elg and David B Graves. Uptake and diffusion of plasma-generated reactive nitrogen species through keratinized membrane. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 52 (2019) 195201 | |
38 | Zilan Xiong, Cold Atmospheric Plasmas: A Novel and Promising Way to Treat Neurological Diseases. Trends Biotechnol. 2018 Jun;36(6):582-583. | |
37 | Zilan Xiong, Atmospheric pressure plasmas for skin wound healing, INTECH, Plasma Medicine - Concepts and Clinical Applications, 2018, 978-953-51-5697-0. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.68652. | |
36 | A novel cupping-assisted plasma treatment for skin disinfectionAuthor(s): Xiong, ZL (Xiong, Zilan); Graves, DB (Graves, David B.)Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 50 Issue: 5 Article Number: 05LT01 DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/50/5/05LT01 Published: FEB 8 2017 | |
35 | Plasma Treatment of Onychomycosis Author(s): Xiong, ZL (Xiong, Zilan); Roe, J (Roe, Jeffrey); Grammer, TC (Grammer, Timothy C.); Graves, DB (Graves, David B.) Source: PLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS Volume: 13 Issue: 6 Pages: 588-597 DOI: 10.1002/ppap.201600010 Published: JUN 2016 | |
34 | Effects of non-equilibrium plasma in the treatment of ligature-induced peri-implantitis Author(s): Shi, Q (Shi, Qi); Song, K (Song, Ke); Zhou, XC (Zhou, Xincai); Xiong, ZL (Xiong, Zilan); Du, TF (Du, Tianfeng); Lu, XP (Lu, Xinpei); Cao, YG (Cao, Yingguang) Source: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY Volume: 42 Issue: 5 Pages: 478-487 DOI: 10.1111/jcpe.12403 Published: MAY 2015 | |
33 | Selective neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells induced by nanosecond microplasma agitation Author(s): Xiong, Z (Xiong, Z.); Zhao, S (Zhao, S.); Mao, X (Mao, X.); Lu, X (Lu, X.); He, G (He, G.); Yang, G (Yang, G.); Chen, M (Chen, M.); Ishaq, M (Ishaq, M.); Ostrikov, K (Ostrikov, K.) Source: STEM CELL RESEARCH Volume: 12 Issue: 2 Pages: 387-399 DOI: 10.1016/j.scr.2013.11.003 Published: MAR 2014 | |
32 | Effect of Modified Nonequilibrium Plasma with Chlorhexidine Digluconate against Endodontic Biofilms In Vitro Author(s): Du, TF (Du, Tianfeng); Shi, Q (Shi, Qi); Shen, Y (Shen, Ya); Cao, YG (Cao, Yingguang); Ma, JZ (Ma, Jingzhi); Lu, XP (Lu, Xinpei); Xiong, ZL (Xiong, Zilan); Haapasalo, M (Haapasalo, Markus) Source: JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS Volume: 39 Issue: 11 Pages: 1438-1443 DOI: 10.1016/j.joen.2013.06.027 Published: NOV 2013 | |
31 | Atmospheric Pressure Room Temperature Plasma Jets Facilitate Oxidative and Nitrative Stress and Lead to Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Dependent Apoptosis in HepG2 Cells Author(s): Zhao, SS (Zhao, Shasha); Xiong, ZL (Xiong, Zilan); Mao, X (Mao, Xiang); Meng, DD (Meng, Dandan); Lei, Q (Lei, Qian); Li, Y (Li, Yin); Deng, PY (Deng, Pengyi); Chen, MJ (Chen, Mingjie); Tu, M (Tu, Min); Lu, XP (Lu, Xinpei); Yang, GX (Yang, Guangxiao); He, GY (He, Guangyuan) Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 8 Issue: 8 Article Number: e73665 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073665 Published: AUG 27 2013 | |
30 | On the Electrical Characteristic of Atmospheric Pressure Air/He/O-2/N-2/Ar Plasma Needle Author(s): Xiong, ZL (Xiong, Zilan); Huang, QJ (Huang, Quanjun); Wang, Z (Wang, Zhan); Lu, XP (Lu, Xinpei); Pan, Y (Pan, Yuan) Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE Volume: 41 Issue: 7 Pages: 1746-1750 DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2013.2265918 Published: JUL 2013 | |
29 | Combined Effect of N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) and Plasma on Proliferation of HepG2 Cells Author(s): Zhao, S (Zhao, S.); Xiong, Z (Xiong, Z.); Mao, X (Mao, X.); Lu, X (Lu, X.); He, G (He, G.); Han, F (Han, F.); Yang, G (Yang, G.) Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE Volume: 40 Issue: 9 Pages: 2179-2184 DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2012.2208272 Published: SEP 2012 | |
28 | The discharge mode transition and O((5)p(1)) production mechanism of pulsed radio frequency capacitively coupled plasma Author(s): Liu, XY (Liu, X. Y.); Hu, JT (Hu, J. T.); Liu, JH (Liu, J. H.); Xiong, ZL (Xiong, Z. L.); Liu, DW (Liu, D. W.); Lu, XP (Lu, X. P.); Shi, JJ (Shi, J. J.) Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 101 Issue: 4 Article Number: 043705 DOI: 10.1063/1.4733662 Published: JUL 23 2012 | |
27 | The effect of applied electric field on pulsed radio frequency and pulsed direct current plasma jet array Author(s): Hu, JT (Hu, J. T.); Liu, XY (Liu, X. Y.); Liu, JH (Liu, J. H.); Xiong, ZL (Xiong, Z. L.); Liu, DW (Liu, D. W.); Lu, XP (Lu, X. P.); Iza, F (Iza, F.); Kong, MG (Kong, M. G.) Source: PHYSICS OF PLASMAS Volume: 19 Issue: 6 Article Number: 063505 DOI: 10.1063/1.4729730 Published: JUN 2012 | |
26 | Evaluation of Antibacterial Effects by Atmospheric Pressure Nonequilibrium Plasmas against Enterococcus faecalis Biofilms In Vitro Author(s): Du, TF (Du, Tianfeng); Ma, JZ (Ma, Jingzhi); Yang, P (Yang, Ping); Xiong, ZL (Xiong, Zilan); Lu, XP (Lu, Xinpei); Cao, YG (Cao, Yingguang) Source: JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS Volume: 38 Issue: 4 Pages: 545-549 DOI: 10.1016/j.joen.2011.10.021 Published: APR 2012 | |
25 | Plasma-Induced Death of HepG2 Cancer Cells: Intracellular Effects of Reactive Species Author(s): Yan, X (Yan, Xu); Xiong, ZL (Xiong, Zilan); Zou, F (Zou, Fei); Zhao, SS (Zhao, Shasha); Lu, XP (Lu, Xinpei); Yang, GX (Yang, Guangxiao); He, GY (He, Guangyuan); Ostrikov, K (Ostrikov, Kostya (Ken)) Source: PLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Pages: 59-66 DOI: 10.1002/ppap.201100031 Published: JAN 2012 | |
24 | Room-temperature, atmospheric plasma needle reduces adenovirus gene expression in HEK 293A host cells Author(s): Xiong, Z (Xiong, Z.); Lu, X (Lu, X.); Cao, Y (Cao, Y.); Ning, Q (Ning, Q.); Ostrikov, K (Ostrikov, K.); Lu, Y (Lu, Y.); Zhou, X (Zhou, X.); Liu, J (Liu, J.) Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 99 Issue: 25 Article Number: 253703 DOI: 10.1063/1.3669534 Published: DEC 19 2011 | |
23 | Bacterial-killing effect of atmospheric pressure non-equilibrium plasma jet and oral mucosa response Author(s): Liu, DX (Liu, Dexi); Xiong, ZL (Xiong, Zilan); Du, TF (Du, Tianfeng); Zhou, XC (Zhou, Xincai); Cao, YG (Cao, Yingguang); Lu, XP (Lu, Xinpei) Source: JOURNAL OF HUAZHONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY- MEDICAL SCIENCES Volume: 31 Issue: 6 Pages: 852-856 Published: DEC 2011 | |
22 | Plasmas in Tooth Root Canal Author(s): Xiong, Z (Xiong, Z.); Cao, Y (Cao, Y.); Lu, X (Lu, X.); Du, T (Du, T.) Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE Volume: 39 Issue: 11 Special Issue: SI Pages:2968-2969 DOI:10.1109/TPS.2011.2157533 Part:1 Published: NOV 2011 | |
21 | How deep can plasma penetrate into a biofilm? Author(s): Xiong, Z (Xiong, Z.); Du, T (Du, T.); Lu, X (Lu, X.); Cao, Y (Cao, Y.); Pan, Y (Pan, Y.) Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 98 Issue: 22 Article Number: 221503 DOI: 10.1063/1.3597622 Published: MAY 30 2011 | |
20 | Efficacy of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma as an Antibacterial Agent Against Enterococcus Faecalis in Vitro Author(s): Cao, YG (Cao Yingguang); Yang, P (Yang Ping); Lu, XP (Lu Xinpei); Xiong, ZL (Xiong Zilan); Ye, T (Ye Tao); Xiong, Q (Xiong Qing); Sun, ZY (Sun Ziyong) Source: PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Pages: 93-98 DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/13/1/19 Published: FEB 2011 | |
19 | The Antimicrobial Activity of an Atmospheric-Pressure Room-Temperature Plasma in a Simulated Root-Canal Model Infected With Enterococcus Faecalis Author(s): Zhou, XC (Zhou, Xincai); Xiong, ZL (Xiong, Zilan); Cao, YG (Cao, Yingguang); Lu, XP (Lu, Xinpei); Liu, DX (Liu, Dexi) Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE Volume: 38 Issue: 12 Pages: 3370-3374 DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2010.2078522 Part: 2 Published: DEC 2010 | |
18 | A Touchable Pulsed Air Plasma Plume Driven by DC Power Supply Author(s): Wu, SQ (Wu, ShuQun); Lu, XP (Lu, XinPei); Xiong, ZL (Xiong, ZiLan); Pan, YA (Pan, Yuan) Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE Volume: 38 Issue: 12 Pages: 3404-3408 DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2010.2082571 Part: 2 Published: DEC 2010 | |
17 | Highly effective fungal inactivation in He+O-2 atmospheric-pressure nonequilibrium plasmas Author(s): Xiong, Z (Xiong, Z.); Lu, XP (Lu, X. P.); Feng, A (Feng, A.); Pan, Y (Pan, Y.); Ostrikov, K (Ostrikov, K.) Source: PHYSICS OF PLASMAS Volume: 17 Issue: 12 Article Number: 123502 DOI: 10.1063/1.3526678 Published: DEC 2010 | |
16 | On the velocity variation in atmospheric pressure plasma plumes driven by positive and negative pulses Author(s): Xiong, Z (Xiong, Z.); Lu, X (Lu, X.); Xian, Y (Xian, Y.); Jiang, Z (Jiang, Z.); Pan, Y (Pan, Y.) Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 108 Issue: 10 Article Number: 103303 DOI: 10.1063/1.3511448 Published: NOV 15 2010 | |
15 | On the Mechanism of Plasma Inducing Cell Apoptosis Author(s): Yan, X (Yan, Xu); Zou, F (Zou, Fei); Zhao, S (Zhao, Shasha); Lu, XP (Lu, XinPei); He, GY (He, Guangyuan); Xiong, ZL (Xiong, Zilan); Xiong, Q (Xiong, Qing); Zhao, QQ (Zhao, Qiangqiang); Deng, PY (Deng, Pengyi); Huang, JG (Huang, Jianguo); Yang, GX (Yang, Guangxiao) Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE Volume: 38 Issue: 9 Pages: 2451-2457 DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2010.2056393 Part: 2 Published: SEP 2010 | |
14 | Measurements of the Propagation Velocity of an Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Plume by Various Methods Author(s): Xiong, ZL (Xiong, Zilan); Lu, XP (Lu, XinPei); Xiong, Q (Xiong, Qing); Xian, YB (Xian, Yubin); Zou, CL (Zou, ChangLin); Hu, J (Hu, Jing); Gong, WW (Gong, WeiWei); Liu, JH (Liu, Jinhui); Zou, F (Zou, Fei); Jiang, ZH (Jiang, ZhongHe); Pan, Y (Pan, Yuan) Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE Volume: 38 Issue: 4 Pages: 1001-1007 DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2010.2041073 Part: 4 Published: APR 2010 | |
13 | Experimental investigations on the propagation of the plasma jet in the open air Author(s): Xiong, Q (Xiong, Q.); Lu, X (Lu, X.); Xian, Y (Xian, Y.); Liu, J (Liu, J.); Zou, C (Zou, C.); Xiong, Z (Xiong, Z.); Gong, W (Gong, W.); Chen, K (Chen, K.); Pei, X (Pei, X.); Zou, F (Zou, F.); Hu, J (Hu, J.); Jiang, Z (Jiang, Z.); Pan, Y (Pan, Y.) Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 107 Issue: 7 Article Number: 073302 DOI: 10.1063/1.3369538 Published: APR 1 2010 | |
12 | Pulsed dc- and sine-wave-excited cold atmospheric plasma plumes: A comparative analysis Author(s): Xiong, Q (Xiong, Q.); Lu, XP (Lu, X. P.); Ostrikov, K (Ostrikov, K.); Xian, Y (Xian, Y.); Zou, C (Zou, C.); Xiong, Z (Xiong, Z.); Pan, Y (Pan, Y.) Source: PHYSICS OF PLASMAS Volume: 17 Issue: 4 Article Number: 043506 DOI: 10.1063/1.3381132 Published: APR 2010 | |
11 | A cold plasma cross made of three bullet-like plasma plumes Author(s): Lu, XP (Lu, XinPei); Xiong, Q (Xiong, Qing); Xiong, ZL (Xiong, ZiLan); Hu, J (Hu, Jing); Zhou, F (Zhou, Fei); Gong, WW (Gong, WeiWei); Xian, YB (Xian, YuBin); Zhou, CL (Zhou, ChangLin); Tang, ZY (Tang, ZhiYuan); Jiang, ZH (Jiang, ZhongHe); Pan, Y (Pan, Yuan) Source: THIN SOLID FILMS Volume: 518 Issue:3 Pages: 967-970 Published: DEC 1 2009 | |
10 | A simple atmospheric pressure room-temperature air plasma needle device for biomedical applications Author(s): Lu, X (Lu, X.); Xiong, Z (Xiong, Z.); Zhao, F (Zhao, F.); Xian, Y (Xian, Y.); Xiong, Q (Xiong, Q.); Gong, W (Gong, W.); Zou, C (Zou, C.); Jiang, Z (Jiang, Z.); Pan, Y (Pan, Y.) Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 95 Issue: 18 Article Number: 181501 DOI: 10.1063/1.3258071 Published: NOV 2 2009 | |
9 | Temporal and spatial resolved optical emission behaviors of a cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet Author(s): Xiong, Q (Xiong, Q.); Lu, X (Lu, X.); Liu, J (Liu, J.); Xian, Y (Xian, Y.); Xiong, Z (Xiong, Z.); Zou, F (Zou, F.); Zou, C (Zou, C.); Gong, W (Gong, W.); Hu, J (Hu, J.); Chen, K (Chen, K.); Pei, X (Pei, X.); Jiang, Z (Jiang, Z.); Pan, Y (Pan, Y.) Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 106 Issue: 8 Article Number: 083302 DOI: 10.1063/1.3239512 Published: OCT 15 2009 | |
8 | Effect of the atmospheric pressure nonequilibrium plasmas on the conformational changes of plasmid DNA Author(s): Yan, X (Yan, Xu); Zou, F (Zou, Fei); Lu, XP (Lu, Xin Pei); He, GY (He, Guangyuan); Shi, MJ (Shi, Meng Jun); Xiong, Q (Xiong, Qing); Gao, X (Gao, Xuan); Xiong, ZL (Xiong, Zilan); Li, Y (Li, Yin); Ma, FY (Ma, Feng Yun); Yu, M (Yu, Men); Wang, CD (Wang, Chang Dong); Wang, YS (Wang, Yuesheng); Yang, GX (Yang, Guangxiao) Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 95 Issue: 8 Article Number: 083702 DOI: 10.1063/1.3212739 Published: AUG 24 2009 | |
7 | EEffect of Nano- to Millisecond Pulse on Dielectric Barrier Discharges Author(s): Lu, XP (Lu, XinPei); Xiong, Q (Xiong, Qing); Xiong, ZL (Xiong, ZiLan); Xian, YB (Xian, YuBin); Zhou, F (Zhou, Fei); Hu, J (Hu, Jing); Gong, WW (Gong, WeiWei); Zhou, CL (Zhou, ChangLin); Tang, ZY (Tang, ZhiYuan); Jiang, ZH (Jiang, ZhongHe); Pan, Y (Pan, Yuan) Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE Volume: 37 Issue: 5 Pages: 647-652 DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2009.2015321 Published: MAY 2009 | |
6 | An RC Plasma Device for Sterilization of Root Canal of Teeth Author(s): Lu, XP (Lu, Xinpei); Cao, YG (Cao, Yinguang); Yang, P (Yang, Ping); Xiong, Q (Xiong, Qing); Xiong, ZL (Xiong, Zilan); Xian, YB (Xian, Yubin); Pan, Y (Pan, Yuan) Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE Volume: 37 Issue: 5 Pages: 668-673 DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2009.2015454 Published: MAY 2009 | |
5 | Length control of He atmospheric plasma jet plumes: Effects of discharge parameters and ambient air Author(s): Xiong, Q (Xiong, Q.); Lu, X (Lu, X.); Ostrikov, K (Ostrikov, K.); Xiong, Z (Xiong, Z.); Xian, Y (Xian, Y.); Zhou, F (Zhou, F.); Zou, C (Zou, C.); Hu, J (Hu, J.); Gong, W (Gong, W.); Jiang, Z (Jiang, Z.) Source: PHYSICS OF PLASMAS Volume: 16 Issue: 4 Article Number: 043505 DOI: 10.1063/1.3119212 Published: APR 2009 | |
4 | Propagation of an atmospheric pressure plasma plume Author(s): Lu, X (Lu, X.); Xiong, Q (Xiong, Q.); Xiong, Z (Xiong, Z.); Hu, J (Hu, J.); Zhou, F (Zhou, F.); Gong, W (Gong, W.); Xian, Y (Xian, Y.); Zou, C (Zou, C.); Tang, Z (Tang, Z.); Jiang, Z (Jiang, Z.); Pan, Y (Pan, Y.) Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 105 Issue: 4 Article Number: 043304 DOI: 10.1063/1.3079503 Published: FEB 15 2009 | |
3 | The roles of the various plasma agents in the inactivation of bacteria Author(s): Lu, X (Lu, XinPei); Ye, T (Ye, Tao); Cao, YG (Cao, YingGuang); Sun, ZY (Sun, ZiYong); Xiong, Q (Xiong, Qing); Tang, ZY (Tang, ZhiYuan); Xiong, ZL (Xiong, ZhiLan); Hu, J (Hu, Jing); Jiang, ZH (Jiang, ZhongHe); Pan, Y (Pan, Yuan) Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 104 Issue: 5 Article Number: 053309 DOI: 10.1063/1.2977674 Published: SEP 1 2008 | |
2 | An atmospheric pressure nonequilibrium plasma jet device Author(s): Xiong, Q (Xiong, Qing); Lu, XP (Lu, Xin Pei); Jiang, ZH (Jiang, Zhong He); Tang, ZY (Tang, Zhi Yuan); Hu, J (Hu, Jing); Xiong, ZL (Xiong, Zhi Lan); Pan, Y (Pan, Yuan) Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE Volume: 36 Issue: 4 Pages: 986-987 DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2008.926836 Part: 1 Published: AUG 2008 | |
1 | Effect of E-field on the length of a plasma jet Author(s): Lu, XP (Lu, Xin Pei); Jiang, ZH (Jiang, Zhong He); Xiong, Q (Xiong, Qing); Tang, ZY (Tang, Zhi Yuan); Xiong, ZL (Xiong, Zhi Lan); Hu, J (Hu, Jing); Hu, XW (Hu, Xi We); Pan, Y (Pan, Yuan) Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE Volume: 36 Issue: 4 Pages: 988-989 DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2008.924480 Part: 1 Published: AUG 2008 |